Families search for stability as they wait for bond vote’s impact on closing Wichita schools
She’s up before dawn most days to inspect the bus and on the road by 6:30 a.m.
‘We’re buddies’: Bus driver teaches, learns plenty while moving kids Read More »
In the gig worker era of Uber and DoorDash, Wichita Public Schools seeks its own on-demand employees — substitute teachers.
Why finding enough substitute teachers is a daily challenge for Wichita schools Read More »
WSU establish resources for students struggling with housing and food insecurity,
Student homelessness at Wichita State is a multifaceted concern Read More »
Wichita State staff wants to aid people with disabilities as much as they can.
Wichita espera comprar la escuela primaria Park y convertirla en un refugio de invierno para las personas sin hogar. Pero la mesa directiva escolar de Wichita votó anoche para retrasar la votación sobre una posible venta hasta finales de junio.