“How to Talk About Feeling Bad”

“How to Talk About Feeling Bad” is a publication of the Wichita Journalism Collaborative, a coalition of 11 media and community partners. The group is comprised of: The Active Age, The Community Voice, The Journal (Kansas Leadership Center), KMUW, KSN-TV, The Sunflower, The Wichita Beacon, The Wichita Eagle, the Wichita Public Library, Planeta Venus and The Elliott School of Communication at Wichita State University. Funding for the project comes from the Solutions Journalism Network and the Wichita Foundation.
Online versions of the publication are available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese.
COMCARE of Sedgwick County
Call 316-660-7540 to schedule an appointment
COMCARE provides a wide array of mental health and substance abuse services to residents of Sedgwick County. Services are prioritized and provided for all citizens regardless of ability to pay.
• COMCARE’s support line 316- 660-1111 is available for anyone with increased mental health needs.
• If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, call the 24-hour crisis hotline, 316-660-7500.
• COMCARE accepts Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, self-pay and also has a sliding scale for fees.
Gracemed Health Clinics
Call 316-866-2000 to schedule an appointment.
The GraceMed Health Clinics don’t offer traditional ongoing therapy, but the call center can help schedule an appointment with a behavioral health consultant who can make referrals to connect you with the right therapy option.
• An option for people who suspect they need an appointment, but don’t know where to start.
• Health insurance not required for an appointment with a behavioral health consultant.
• Sliding scale fees based on factors such as income and health insurance.
• Clinics have interpreters who can speak Spanish and access to interpreters for other languages.
Guadalupe Clinic
Call 316-264-6464 to schedule an appointment at 940 S. St. Francis.
The motto at Guadalupe Clinic is “No insurance, no worries.”
• Counseling sessions are free of cost.
• You might be asked for a $5 donation, which only some clients do.
• Exclusively sees patients who do not have health insurance. If someone has insurance for medical care that does not cover therapy or mental health care, they can still access counseling at Guadalupe.
• Counseling is available between 4 and 7 p.m. Tuesdays in English and between 4 and 7 p.m. Wednesdays in Spanish.
Hunter Health Clinics
Call 316-262-2415 to schedule an appointment.
Hunter Health Clinic will mostly see patients for therapy if they are already receiving medical, dental or vision care there.
• The clinics offer a sliding scale fee for people who don’t have insurance.
• Clinic locations are at 527 N. Grove, 2750 S. Roosevelt and 935 N. Market in Wichita.
• Clinics have an integrated care consultant who speaks Spanish, and have a translator on staff.
Center City
(COMCARE Homeless Program)
Center on Family Living
(Friends University)
Cana Counseling Services
(Catholic Charities)
(Suicide Hotline)
Family & Children Community Services, COMCARE
Mental Health Association of South Central KS
Central KS Counseling Center
KCSL Outpatient Mental Health – West
316-686-6671 ext. 7217
Word of Life Counseling Center
Dial 211 for more information and resources from the United Way.
Most of the information on this resources guide was originally compiled as part of a story by Megan Stringer / The Wichita Eagle.
Wichita State Psychology Clinic
Community members can call 316-978-3212 to set up a first appointment.
The Psychology Clinic at Wichita State University offers counseling sessions for anyone in the Wichita area, regardless of whether they are a student.
• Appointment fees are on a sliding scale, meaning a patient’s income is used to determine the cost of services.
• When you call to set up an appointment, the machine will ask you to leave a message and clinic staff will call you back to learn more about what services you’re seeking.
• The clinic does not process insurance claims for our clients, but most services are provided at rates well below insurance co-pays.
• The clinic serves anyone living in Wichita and nearby communities. But the expanded use of telehealth in the pandemic has increased the clinic’s ability to see Kansans in rural areas who might have trouble accessing care closer to home.
“We understand that all Kansans are experiencing increased stress right now that is impacting our mental health,” Christina Marvin, director of the WSU Psychology Clinic, said. “If you are experiencing stressors that you are finding difficult to cope with, please reach out.”
Wichita State Student Services
WSU students, call 316-978-4792 to schedule an appointment.
Counseling and prevention services at Wichita State University offers low-cost therapy to WSU students, whether they have insurance or not.
• Students can also schedule online at
• An office visit costs $10. However, the university says it won’t turn people away if they can’t pay.
Newman University Student Services
Students can sign up at
Newman University offers in-person and telehealth counseling services for its students. In-person sessions have primarily moved to one-on-one Zoom sessions during the pandemic. The telehealth option, new this semester, is free, and will continue into this summer, possibly into next academic year, said Clark Schafer, director of university relations.
• This summer, 24/7 crisis care and life coaching will also be available.
• Newman students can register for the services online at
• Most students should be able to see a provider within 24 to 48 hours after
requesting services.
• Appointments are available through a new university partnership with The Virtual Care Group, which offers appointments in more than 250 languages — including English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese.
• For more information about in-person counseling for Newman students, contact Scott Mudloff, advisor for special populations, at
All items listed below are available for check out from the Wichita Public Library.
Barry, H. (2017). Depression: a practical guide. London Orion Spring, an imprint of The Orion Publishing Group Ltd.
Browne, J. (2019). Understanding teenage anxiety: a parent’s guide to improving your teen’s mental health. New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing.
Bryden, P. (2020). Start here: a parent’s guide to helping children and teens through mental health challenges. Simon & Schuster Canada edition.
Durlofsky, P. (2020). Logged in and stressed out: how social media is affecting your mental health and what you can do about it. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Marsh, J. (2019). Dealing with depression: simple ways to get your life back. Chatswood, NSW, Australia: Exisle Publishing Pty Ltd.
Morton, K. (2018). Are u ok?: a guide to caring for your mental health. New York, NY: Da Capo Press, Lifelong Books.
Powers, R. (2017). No one cares about crazy people: the chaos and heartbreak of mental health in America. New York, NY: Hachette Books.
Serani, D. (2018). Depression in later life: an essential guide. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
Walker, R. (2020). The unapologetic guide to Black mental health: navigate an unequal system, learn tools for emotional wellness, and get the help you deserve. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
Waller, R. (2020). Depression, anxiety and other things we don’t talk about. Nashville, TN: Nelson Books, an imprint of Thomas Nelson.