‘I would’ve died without the Union Rescue Mission’: Helping people in the cold

By Derek Lytle/KSN

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) — Union Rescue Mission CEO David Hodge said the number of men staying at their temporary warming shelter has nearly doubled due to this week’s cold snap.

Several people staying at the shelter said they believed they would have been dead if it wasn’t for them taking shelter at the Union Rescue Mission. They add that it’s the first time someone has shaken their hand and looked them in the eyes in years. 

Hodge said the work they do is a daily battle to save lives. Through faith, they hope to keep people from freezing to death while working to restore lives. 

“It’s life and death,” said Hodge. 

It’s hope, with a warm meal, fresh clothes, and a place to stay. 

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Hodge said it can give those unhoused people the will to help themselves and while their shelves sit depleted, they are receiving help from the community. 

“Our donors are just blessings to us. About 60% of the food that we serve is donated. A lot of ranchers in the area bring us hogs and beef, buy cans, but a lot of those are donated too,” he said.

Guests sleep in the hallways, all beds taken, but Hodge said after learning about some lost limbs during last winter storms, they refused to turn anyone away. 

“After the really severe cold snap we had, there were men that ended up having amputations, and so we want to make sure we don’t have that happen,” he said.

A debt of gratitude, Caleb Nielsen said he would have died without the help of the mission.  Nielsen, now a case leader there, is filling in on kitchen duties to make sure others get the same help this winter that was given to him. 

“Represents a family. I see family when people are sitting in the dining room, and they’re sitting at the table together, having a meal in a nice warm place, a nice bed, a nice shower. It means family. Some of these guys don’t have that, so we try to provide that for them,” said Nielsen. 

Providing a purpose and making people feel human again.

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If you know someone needing to beat the cold, the Union Rescue Mission welcomes anyone to come into the shelter from 3 to 6 p.m. 

The mission’s CEO said they are undergoing a renovation, which will be completed in June, allowing them to help even more people. 

Whether it’s for a family member, friend, coworker, or for yourself, there is help out there for those who are experiencing homelessness. Click here to find a list.

This article was republished here with the permission of: KSNW-TV